Lucky Jeans for Sale!


I have two pairs of Lucky Jeans for sale. They're in super good condition, I just don't really wear them anymore. They are both dark denim, size 28 (6), Lola style, one pair is boot cut, the other straight.

Each pair is $45.00. If you'd like both pairs they're $80.00. Please email me if you're interested!!


Stella Jane is on Etsy

Good Morning!

Big news friends! Stella Jane inc. is now on Etsy!! I'll be using my Etsy shop to feature new headband designs and take orders. I'd love you for you to check it out and give me some feedback. I'll be doing my best to update the shop as much as possible with new creations. You can click on the banner below and it will take you directly to the shop. Thanks for visiting! (and unfortunately my sister was unavailable to model headbands like she did last time, so I had to :/)


Fall Crafts!

Two of my favorite emails this week came from Martha. One was a craft for a fall garland and the other for the quintessential glittered pumpkins. I know some of you have made your own glittered pumpkins before with great success!

The garland seems pretty easy to make (the close-up photo helps):

"Create a seasonal garland to drape around the doorway using multicolored decorative dried corn.

Space cobs 6 to 8 inches apart on a length of raffia (available at crafts stores), tying it around each piece where the husk meets the kernels.

The cobs will hang vertically; if you'd like them to be horizontal (as shown in the center of garland), tie the tip of each cob to the husk of the next using floral wire."

Here is the link for the glittered pumpkins. I know other people have featured this craft on their blog before so I decide to show the garland in more detail. The pumpkins are adorable though and I'm def. going to consider making those!




A Recipe and Request

Happy Tuesday Evening!

Thanks for thinking of L today! The recruitment fair went better than expected and he has a job interview tomorrow!! Can you believe it?? We are super excited because we didn't really expect something like this to happen until closer to graduation. So if I may request something of you for a second day in a row--can we say another little prayer friends? Thanks much!

Moving on to other business, I'm posting a recipe I love to make because its so good and super duper EASY!! Maybe you can use it for your Wednesday menu.

Chicken Georgia
-1/2 stick butter
-4 boneless chicken breast halves
-1 cup fresh mushrooms
-2 tablespoons minced shallots (I usually use onion because I always have it on hand and don't always have shallots)
-1/4 teaspoon (each) salt and pepper
-4 oz. grated mozzarella cheese

Melt butter over medium heat, add mushrooms and shallots and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cook 10 minutes. Add chicken cook 10 min on each side or until tender. Transfer chicken to platter and sprinkle with grated cheese. Top with mushroom/shallot mixture. Let stand for 5 minutes or until cheese melts.



Monday Musings

Good Morning Friends!

Yesterday was Ashley's second bridal shower and I wanted to share a picture of the blushing bride to be with my gift:
I mentioned before getting the popcorn popper with some cute popcorn boxes and a neflix gift certificate as a shower gift. So I packaged all that up and I think Ashley and Manolo will get a lot of use out of this :)

In other news, I have turned on comment approval because I was spammed overnight in the comment department. I'll approve all comments unless you send me chinese characters. K thanks!

L has a big recruiting fair tomorrow that will at the very least, help him secure a full time internship for this coming summer, and at most, help him make some contacts that could lead to job or co-op right now. Please say a prayer around 10 tomorrow morning--we'd appreciate it!!

Have a good Monday! Follow me on twitter to keep up with me during the day @ehkinsey ;)


What I'm loving...

Loving this necklace the boyf and I just ordered for his sister from Tiny Tokens on Etsy:

Craft project from today made to hold all the flower pins I make for Stella Jane Headbands!

It's Fall...Candy Corn!!

This Lilly dress I picked up for 75% off that I'll be wearing to a bridal shower brunch Sunday

In this print:

Happy Weekend!

A little more fawning from this auntie....

OK so I know I introduced you all to Raleigh earlier today but I have to add a little addendum because she's just that cute!! I got to hold her for about 45 minutes today and I honestly could have held her all darn day...can't wait to see her again this weekend!



Raleigh Linn
September 12, 2009
2:54 a.m
7 lbs 6 oz.

Raleigh was born EARLY Saturday morning and she is beyond cute. I get to see and hold her for the first time today and I can't wait!! Of course, I couldn't see my almost-niece without bringing her a monogrammed gift. I settled on a comfy green blankie with her monogram (this is the first piece I've been able to monogram since mom and dad went down to the wire on the name).


A Whirlwind Weekend

Hello friends!

I had quite the eventful weekend. L and I went to visit my sister so I could accompany her to a Kenny Chesney concert and take in the game on Saturday and generally get in some sisterly bonding. But the weekend had some surprises in store for us.

First of all we go see Kenny and Miranda Lambert is the opening act. Everything's going well, except we are clearly in the drama for your mama section. A girl and her friend plus their boyfriends enter. One of the girls is so drunk she can't even stand and immediately sister is concerned this girl is going to either puke on us (her biggest fear) or accost her in some way. Well fortunately this girl passes out for a little while. However there is a girl who was apparently equally as drunk but not on our radar who two rows back, promptly throws up during the opening act and it proceeds to splatter on our backs. I immediately looks at sister who I'm convinced is about to freak and calmly suggest we exit to the bathroom and clean up. We do so (luckily the splatter was not excessive) and the Kenny show is so amazing by the end of the night we are laughing at this little anecdote.

Meanwhile overnight, L's niece was born!! We were so excited but bummed we couldn't be there to welcome her :) (More on this tomorrow...)

Saturday was game day and dang if it didn't rain all night longgggg. Like any hard core fan, we sat through four quarters of rain until our team finally squeaked out a victory. Sunday was family day first, breakfast with L's aunt and uncle and then lunch at my grandparents...we finally made it home later that night and L was off to the hospital.

It was a really fun weekend despite the vomit and the rain. My sister is awesome and we had a blasty blast spending some QT together. And tomorrow I get to work with my bff and see my new pseudo-niece...Tuesday is going to be a good day!


Stella Jane Headbands!

Hello friends. If you follow me on twitter you know I've been doing some crafting the past couple of days and I am so excited to share with you some of the results of that crafting. I've started creating a line of headbands and hair pins! Every thing is a hairpin affixed to a headband, so you can easily remove the pin and use it other ways, be it on a dress or a bag or in your hair! The name of the company is Stella Jane and my sissy was kind enough to model a few headbands so I can share them with you. If you're interested in ordering email me( and I'll be happy to work with you! Enjoy:

(Sister and the four-legged namesake!)



Sweet Treat Recipe

This recipe is going to rock your world! Found on the side of the brownie mix, it combines two delightful desserts: brownies and s'mores.

Bake box brownies as you normally would. When they are done sprinkle two cups of marshmallows and one cup of chocolate chips on top on the brownies and put them back in the over for two minutes. Take graham crackers and break them up along the perforated edges into four pieces. Gently press graham crackers on the top of the brownie and let cool completely. Enjoy :)


You say obsessed, I say devoted

Let's recap a convo between me and L last night...

(Background: Dad and Coco will be in Tally for the FSU v Miami game. L and I are going up next weekend for a game)

Me: Babe, do you want to come over Monday night and watch the game with me and mom?

L: (BIG sigh) You know, I really don't know about that.

Me: Seriously? Why wouldn't you want to watch the game with us?

L: OH I don't know...because your Mom gets all nervous and starts cleaning when it gets tight and she makes you stay in the same spot if something good happens while your there. You yell at the TV and are so devastated if they lose that you don't really want to do anything the rest of the day.

Mom: I wish I was one of those people who could watch the game and not be emotionally involved but alas I'm not. And unfortunately for you L, it runs in the family...

Some may say we're obsessed, but I prefer to look at it as devoted. Viva la football season!

Campfire Goods, Inc.

Last night I was reading EAD Living and came across this post regarding the Renegade Craft Fair and it featured several vendors. I was immediately intrigued by Campfire Goods and their cute shirts and had to check out their site.

They make cute vintage-y tees, some with funny sayings or images. Kind of like Urban Outfitters used to have ( don't shop there regularly but when I was in HS and college they always had funny tees). Of course I found shirts I wanted plus some that would be perfect for some of my friends:
An ode to my former city. Perfect for Jennifer and Little C ,and bff S

Ashley Brooke and Nina need this tee for their love of typefaces!

For me and all my southerner bloggers. The only thing more perfect would be a shirt that says fixin'

I could go on and on finding a tee for every person and occasion, but I won't. Check it out.


PS: I am not affiliated with Campfire Goods, nor did they ask for a review, I just think they make cool shirts ;)

What is Miss Monogram doing today?

Well I was supposed to be beaching it with my mom and auntie but the weather has driven us to other activities that will probably include lunching in WP and shopping park ave. or heading to mall.

Here we all are circa 2007....maybe today I'll get a more updated photo.

happy wednesday!

Ame and Lulu Card Case

Hello friends...Happy Tuesday!

The delightful Ame and Lulu sent over an adorable card case for me to try out and share my thoughts with all of you! Well I LOVED this case, plain and simple. I usually carry a pretty large Hobo wallet, which I love, but sometimes you just want to pair down and carry something less bulky, or you want to use a clutch or handbag that won't accommodate your typical wallet. Either way this case is great. It's super cute! Love all the fabric options Ame and Lulu offer. And it's perfectly sized so that cards can be easily stored and removed from the case.

These girls make LOTS of cute things other than card cases so wander on over to their website and check out all of their lovely accessories.
