Do any of you ever feel like you know what you're good at but struggle to leverage those things into a job, a career, something to do? Hands down this is the one thing that occupies my mind more than any other. Small confession: blog job mentioned here, is no longer mine. It was a great learning experience but without going into too much detail, it wasn't what I thought it was going to be and definitely wasn't a good fit for me. Its really sad when something you want so badly to work, just doesn't.
I'm really blessed to have two jobs that I really enjoy. One at the shop and the other with real life bff Ashley Brooke. I get to spend a lot of time around creative people who have made what they're good at into a career or are using their talent to create something new everyday and I want that for myself.
I know what I'm good at, I'm a writer, I'm creative and I can organize the stew out of just about anything. I know one day I will use all those things to do really great stuff but the waiting game can be taxing. I just finished a freelance writing assignment that was a great reminder of God's inability to forget about our circumstances. And the idea of doing freelance work full time is super appealing, so I will write. I will look for work and make contacts and wait. Because sometimes that's all you can do.
EHK, I have been reading your blog for a while and know what you are experiencing. Hang in there and stay open to EVERYTHING! I know you will find the perfect opportunity!
Personally I think you are already on to a great start to a freelance writing career. Through my position at my company I have met so many people who have made a brand of themselves through blogging, social media, etc... and have gained a lot of exposure (and money too!) from creating a great online presence and becoming an expert and opinion leader within a topic of discussion. Just keep doing great things with your blog, continue to develop your following and I know great things will come your way!
amazing awaits and I know it will knock you on your feet. dream big and work hard!
I can completely relate!
Hang in there, it will all fit into place...
You are a great write, as evident through your charming blog! Hang in there!
I know it's hard, I will soon be graduating and have no clue what the future holds. But you've already taken the most important step - you know what you are good at. Sometimes that is really hard to do, just to come to the realization of what has been right in front of you all along.
Hey - maybe you can write and I can take the pictures! : )
Just hang in there - the perfect thing will come along!
Totally know what you mean! It is hard but I am hopeful :)
so sorry that other job did not work out. waiting is hard, but you do have a lot of talents and surely something is in the works for you. even when youhave a job like I do, I stil feel like I am waiting for that one opportunity that will change my life. Alex MArie above is absolutely right, I think that you are a great blogger and who knows what is around the corner.
i know the feeling! it's hard when you want to work in a field where there is no prescribed path and you have to figure things out on your own (instead of following an academic and professional track like a doctor or lawyer or accountant). it's scary to blaze your own trail. you're doing it though! keep at it and good things will happen, it will all be worth it. later on, you'll think back to this time in your life and "remember when" :)
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