(Special thanks to
JGIWC for all her spray tan advice, I am going to try it one of these days!.) As much as I love the beach, I slather more and more SPF every time I go because I am TERRIFIED of skin cancer. I need to go to the derm and have all my moles and freckles checked (by the way, does the word moles bother anyone else? I feel like I just said something inapprop). As a pre-cursor to trying out the spray tan, I am gone back to an old friend from freshman year of college--Jergens natural glow (note the picture from
amazon.com, is a little old, the packaging is slightly different now).

This worked quite well a few years ago, keeping me from getting my pasty white in the winter. On the second go around I will say they have improved the smell tremendously! I stopped using it initially because I didn't like the smell, but its much better now. I've been using it for about a week and I'm pleased with my color considering I haven't laid out in the sun or done anything else to naturally enhance my tan. So if you're heading into fall and winter knowing the death of your tan is imminent, try this to combat the pasty-ness. For those of you (ahem, my mother and sister) who stay a divine natural brown all year long--feel free to play along with the rest of us so we don't resent you and your glorious coloring.
This is my fake tan of choice also and love that it is now almost 'scentless' :)
I also use that brand and I love it! I am glad they did improve the smell from a few years ago, it was horrible to have to smell like dirt in order to get a cancer free tan. :)
I've been using this stuff since it came out and recently the smell is definitely better!! Although, I made the mistake of putting it on before bed and I guess I didn't let it dry all the way because it stained my beautiful new white sheets... so lesson learned! I don't lay out anymore either for the same reason as you- my husband thinks I'm a hypo but I think it's better safe than sorry. I literally sat under an umbrella the entire time on our honeymoon to St. Lucia. Haha glad I'm not the only one dealing with pasty-ness!
Your new header is so cute! And I love jergens, I'm obsessed so much that if I put to much on I get an allergic reaction. Not ok! ha ha
I've been getting spray tans lately..but I used to use this and have just started again to use it...its a quick way for some color! I always have a problem with it on my legs though - always looks orange and streaky! cute new header :)
What can I say, the Swede and I got good pigment genes.
I was noticing yesterday that I am already losing my summer color. I need to find my bottle of jergens!
I use this like a religion - even in the summer! I totally agree that the smell is much better Just a tip tho: make sure th! t you get the lotion from between your fingers AND from underneath your nails... I've made that mistake more than once myself and ended up looking a bit grungy... I also put it on before bed so it doesn't tan all your bra straps :o)
I think this is one of the best ones out there- so glad that we ran across each other :)
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