
This morning I was out and about running errands (one of which was mailing my Pink Swap goodies to Preppy Pink Party Girl--although regretfully I forgot to photograph it. Hopefully PPPG will post a pic when she receives it). I went to Target and one of the things I needed were those pads you put in your eyelash curler and no one sells those anymore! I swear, I looked through all the brands and i couldn't find any. I was forced to buy a new eyelash curler instead. So much for trying to be resourceful instead of wasteful.

I laid out for thirty minutes today and it felt wonderful, but I must admit as I perused the Washington Post's school closures today online, part of me wished I was curled up in my old townhouse with a fire going, eating soup and watching the snow fall. It is January after all.

If you haven't read my sister's blog Plan Acourtingly, please read this post from yesterday. It is hilarious. And just so you know I fall into category 3 quite often ;)

sending warm hugs to my friends blanketed w/snow and ice.


CBK said...

aw shucks.
thanks for the shout-out.just know i love you even when you violate that cardinal sin.

hHf said...


I fall into #2 and #3 ...

oh me oh my

*Pink Preppy Party Girl* said...

Hi Miss Monogram! I received your darling gift today.Love everything. Thank you! Hopefully I can get a good shot. Trying to mail my gift to you tomorrow. It has been sitting here for a week. Please be patient.