In case you are wondering what doxie pjs look like (P.S. they are on sale at the gap):

I survived my second interview and everything went well. They said I would be hearing from them early next week. Keep your fingers crossed readers :)
I'm still so in awe of "the miracle on the hudson." What an unbelievable blessing all 155 people made it out safely. Next time I fly, I hope that man is my pilot--so brilliant :)
Sister comes home today for a long weekend which should be fun--we plan on renting the Duchess, which we've both been wanting to see but never made it to the theater to do so. And maybe a trip to the farmer's market if its not too cold :)
Happy Weekend!
Stay warm and enjoy your weekend!
Flock of geese, really?!?
I kind of wanted to go see it, alas it was on the other side of the island.
I hope you get nothing but GREAT news on the interview front :)
PS. I had 5 blankets on my bed last night... thats right I said
F I V E! :) Can you imagine what I would be like if I lived in a Northern state?!?
Wasn't that plane crash unbelievable? How can people NOT believe in God. Wow...
super cute pj pants! Stay warm and snuggly :)
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