Calling All Lilly Lovers!

Check out this article about Mary, from Longwood, FL and her affinity for all things Lilly. Behind her is her completely Lilly decorated closet :)




AEG said...

OH ML! TAG and I came to know her during our college days working at the Park Avenue store in Winter Park. She is truly a lovely woman. She was more like a friend when she would come in she would sit and chat with us for hours. She was even invited to our "staff" graduation party when a bunch of us girls graduated from college.

She comes to NY every year and will be stopping by out humble little Madiosn Avenue boutique on Saturday.

TAG and I will also be sharing dinner with her Sunday, I will be sure to tell her you featured her on your blog. She will be beyond flattered :)

Suburban prep said...
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Lulu said...

that closet is dreamy!!

katie lake said...

Her closet looks so cheery and happy!